Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Upload of magazine drawing

Magazine Plan

Front Cover

It will feature a model who is surrounded with books to show that she or he is studying as the message is hard work and which will be associated with the masthead  The sell line will be "Work now, Play later" " 5 tips for success" "new life" as the articles in the magazine will be in there. It will feature all the conventions of a regular magazine and it will be short and snappy and bold so it catches the reader's attention.

Inside pages

  • It will feature the main sell line's article
  • The information will be written without complex words
  • Background related to the theme
  • Articles related to the main message
  • Pictures related to the topic
  • Bold eye-catching titles (masthead included)

Monday, 16 September 2013

Magazine Analysis

Chelsea FC

The masthead "chelsea" features the club's name as it its a club magazine and for private circulation. Its in simple font and bold so that it is easier for fans of all ages to read.
This magazine features some of the conventions of  magazines as the model is facing the reader (direct mode of address) and one of the sell lines is "Hazard's Warning" because the model's name is Eden Hazard and the article features an article about what he aims to do as he is a new player to the team at the time. The banner at the bottom is also a convention, it feature the club's main sponsors and any extra things that might be in the magazine. This cover lacks enough information as there is no indication of the price of the magazine and enough sell lines.